Meeting of the SET Management Board

Date: Thursday 07 May 2020
Time: 11.00am–12.30pm
Venue: Virtual (Microsoft Teams)
Members present: Zayn Azam, Wendy Coley, Jim Crompton (Chair), Philip Green, Anita McGowan, Martin Reid, David Russell, Sarah Simons, Barbara Van Der Eecken (Vice-Chair),
Apologies: Sarah Whiteside-Jones
In attendance: Emma Cosby (Marketing Manager; Item 3), Andrew Dowell (Head of Professional Status; Item 4), Alana Horden (Senior Operations Manager), Jez MacDonald (Head of Digital & IT; Item 5), Amanda Parkes (SET Co-ordinator, Minute Taker), Stephanie Wallis (Relationship Manager)


1a/b). Apologies and Welcome

The Chair shared the housekeeping items with the Board. Apologies for absence were received from Sarah Whiteside-Jones.
The Chair informed the Board that the standing items would be shared outside of the meeting.

2. SET performance update

The Senior Operations Manager shared the membership growth during the extended renewals period and the projected impact of COVID-19 on the final numbers.
The SET Director provided the Board with an update regarding the organisations planning for Covid-19 and the impact and adjustments made to the SET business plan 20/21 during this time. Following questions from the Board the SET Director confirmed that SET’s Covid-19 response aligned with the overall ETF response.
The Board sought information on the data captured when members leave the membership. The Senior Operations Manager confirmed that SET is implementing a leavers survey as part of its automated leaving process.

3. Online engagement content plan

The Board received an Online CPD marketing and communication strategy paper.
The Marketing Manager presented the Board with an overview of the #ETFSupportsFE campaign and highlighted the positive impact the campaign had so far, including improved open rates, website traffic and social media engagement. The Board provided feedback on ways SET could further deepen engagement with members during Covid-19 and recommended resources and content owners for the months ahead.
The Board was encouraged to get to get in touch with the Marketing Manager if it had further comment on the Online Engagement plan.

4. Professional Status update
The Head of Professional Status presented the progress of QTLS and ATS projects established in the SET Business plan 2020/21 workshop, at the January 2020 SET Management Board (SMB) meeting.
The Board sought clarity on how the QTLS licensing agreements will work. The Head of Professional status confirmed that those undertaking QTLS as part of the agreement would still be completing the traditional QTLS programme post ITE, however, the universities involved would have additional involvement in marketing, support and reviewing portfolios.

5. Transform update

The Head of Digital and IT joined the meeting.
The Head of Digital & IT presented an overview and progress of Transform; the digital transformation project currently being undertaken by ETF and SET.
The Board sought clarity on the impact of Covid-19 on the project timelines, the Head of Digital & IT advised the Board that the main impact was hosting workshops online but that there had been minimal impact on the timeline of the project. The Board was encouraged to get in touch with the Head of Digital & IT if it had further comment on the Transform project.
The Head of Digital and IT left the meeting.

6. Any other business
The Board was informed that it would have further opportunity to feedback and engage with projects between meetings.
The Board sought further clarity on the status of SET’s annual conference, SET’s Senior Operations Manager assured the Board that SET is waiting for further Government guidance to better understand the options for the conference before confirming a position.

The Board noted that next SMB meeting date was Thursday 17 September 2020.

Download SMB minutes - May 2020 (pdf)