SET Membership FAQs

Everything you needed to know about becoming a member of the Society for Education and Training.


Membership  |  Renewals  |  CPD  |  Membership Audits

Membership FAQs

Our membership year runs from 1 April to 31 March and you will need to renew your membership each year. Should you join after 1 April you will still need to renew on 31 March and you will pay a pro-rata fee.

When you join SET we will automatically assign you a level of membership depending on your experience and qualifications.


Visit our membership page for more information.

Yes, you will receive the same excellent benefits regardless of your level of membership.

Upgrading your membership from a member to fellow is easy, just send us an email - - along with all the necessary supporting evidence.

If you are a student and have successfully completed your qualification you will be automatically invited to upgrade to a full member.

If you add a qualification to your portfolio required of a higher membership level, you will automatically be invited to upgrade.

Visit our membership page for more information. 

When it’s time to renew your membership we will email you a reminder. You can then renew your membership online through your SET Dashboard.

Yes. Student membership is free if you are studying your Initial Teacher Education qualification, for the length of your studies.

See out Student Membership page for more information.

Yes, we offer concessionary rates for retired teachers and those on low income or unemployed at the time of applying for membership.


See our subscription rates

If you don’t renew your membership you will not lose your QTLS or ATS status, however, you will be removed from the Professional Register and your QTLS or ATS status will no longer be current. You will also no longer be able to receive any of the excellent benefits.

As a member of SET you are expected to abide by our Code of Practice and demonstrate effective CPD. If you do not abide by our Code of Practice or demonstrate effective CPD you could lose your membership and your QTLS or ATS status.

No. Since the 2007 Workforce Regulations were revoked by the Government in 2012/13, there is no longer a requirement for you to make an annual declaration of their CPD by 31 August each year.

However, there is still a requirement for you to remain in good standing by completing annual CPD which would also confirm your professional status of QTLS when renewing each year.

No. Feedback from members, alongside our ongoing goal to be more environmentally sustainable, means we no longer issue plastic membership cards. You will be sent a membership certificate when you join or renew, valid for that membership year. This can be printed or sent electronically to colleagues or employers to prove your valid membership of SET.

If you need your certificate to be re-sent, please get in touch with the customer service team.

You may be having trouble setting up as a new member if you were previously a member or have tried to join before and are using the same email address. You can use this email address to log in to your account and renew your membership. If you’ve forgotten your password you can easily reset it.

Renewal FAQs

Our membership year runs form 1 April to 31 March.

All SET members are required to renew their membership before 31 March to avoid any accidental lapse. If you pay by card or we invoice your organisation, we will invite you to renew before the end of March. 

If you are paying via Direct Debit, your membership will renew automatically on 1 April but you will receive notification before your new payment plan gets underway.

The 2024/25 SET Membership fees are listed below:



DD Monthly

DD Annually

















Find more information about SET Membership fees.

Direct Debits cost SET less to administer so we can pass this saving onto our members. You can also opt to pay monthly, spreading the cost of your annual membership. It's easy to switch to Direct Debit. Simply call the team on 0800 093 9111. You will be given at least two weeks' notice before your first instalment is taken.  

You can renew your membership through your online dashboard, MySET.

To renew simply click the ‘renew’ button on the top right and then follow the prompts. 

Alternatively, you call the team on 0800 093 9111 We are open from Monday to Friday, 9.30am-5.00pm

Our membership year runs from 1 April to 31 March each year. If you join part way through the year, you would have paid a pro-rata fee for membership until the end of the current year. All SET members are then invited to renew their membership in March, regardless of the date they initially joined. 

If you are earning under £16,500 per year, or are retired, we can offer you a reduced membership fee. Likewise, if you are temporarily not working due to unemployment, ill-health or you are on parental leave or a sabbatical, then you can apply for a concessionary rate. Please take a look at our Concessionary and Reduced Rate policy.

Please contact the team on 0800 093 9111 so we can update your records. We are open Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm.  

We hope that you renew before your membership lapses to give you continuous access to all the benefits and services we offer. If you are not able to renew by 31 March, contact us on 0800 093 9111 so we can discuss this with you. 

If you do not renew your membership your name will no longer appear on the Professional Status Register.

No, we will be in touch with your employer to discuss renewal of their corporate partnership agreement with them directly.

Renewing your SET Membership will continue to give you access to the quarterly InTuition journal, as well as many other benefits, including:

  • Member only 10% discount on many CPD Courses run by ETF
  • Member only CPD events
  • Our areas of Special Interests
  • On demand content and resources
  • Our eBook library
  • Networking opportunities through SET events and communities

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) FAQs

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a commitment by SET members to ensure they have the requisite skills and knowledge to be professionally competent. CPD is an investment in yourself, linking formal and informal learning directly to your professional practice. A systematic approach to CPD will ensure that you maintain and enhance your skills and competencies supporting your career development aspirations. It can also build confidence, strengthen your professional credibility and employability prospects.  

We fully expect members to keep abreast of latest developments to ensure their skills reflect current good practice. Simply reading an article, report or research findings for example will improve your learning and is therefore considered valuable and relevant CPD.  

Remember CPD is not simply doing a formal course or courses, which is a common misconception. CPD should be a mix of formal and informal learning, aimed at improving your professional practice in areas identified by you/your employer. 

Membership of SET is a recognised benchmark of professionalism, illustrated through the various grades of membership and associated post-nominals. We set high standards of entry to our professional membership grades (Associate, Member and Fellow) which includes a clear commitment to continuing professional development.  

Following the removal of the further education (FE) workforce regulations in 2012, it is no longer a mandatory requirement for all teachers and trainers in the Further Education and Training sector to make an annual and formal declaration of their CPD.  

However, SET strongly encourages all members, particularly those in the professional membership grades i.e. Associate, Member and Fellow, take appropriate steps to ensure they remain in good professional standing by staying up to date with their subject specialism, professional knowledge and competence and approaches to teaching and learning through a range of formal and informal CPD activities.  

SET does not stipulate that a minimum number of CPD points or hours must be achieved each year; we are not looking for evidence of how much time has been spent on CPD. We firmly believe that CPD is a very personal journey which should focus on your own professional development needs and the results i.e. the outputs and outcomes of the activity undertaken and, most importantly, the difference it has had or is likely to have on your professional practice and ultimately your learners.

No, but it is strongly encouraged.  SET expects its professional members i.e. those in the grades of Associate, Member and Fellow to show a strong commitment to their own CPD. For students and affiliates, CPD is optional but recommended.   

SET does not stipulate that a minimum number of CPD points or hours must be achieved each year; we are not looking for evidence of how much time has been spent on CPD. We firmly believe that CPD is a very personal journey which should focus on your own professional development needs and the results i.e. the outputs and outcomes of the activity undertaken and, most importantly, the difference it has had or is likely to have on your professional practice and ultimately your learners.   

No, students/affiliates are not expected to undertake CPD, but it is recommended.   

Members, who are not currently working and are subsequently on the concessionary rate of membership are not expected to undertake CPD. However the advantages of continuing with professional development to ensure competencies and skills are maintained is highly recommended. Retired members and students/affiliates are also exempt.  

Formal CPD involves participating in organised activities, e.g. courses, training, professional formation (such as QTLS/ATS), normally where participation can be evidenced and there are clear learning objectives.  

Informal CPD involves activities such as reading (e.g. SET’s professional journal inTuition), researching information via the internet, reviewing books or articles for professional purposes, attending relevant events such as the SET annual conference plus participation in networks, communities of practice and special interest groups.  

No, but it is considered good practice to do so and is a clear and easy way to keep track of the CPD undertaken which will enable you to reflect and then plan future activity.   

The SET CPD log is a benefit of membership, but you do not have to use this to record your CPD.  

No. Formal CPD does not have to be provided by SET or ETF. Formal CPD can include training or formal learning offered by your employer or other provider of CPD.      

No. Formal CPD does not necessarily have to be paid-for. SET and ETF offer a range of CPD programmes and activities which are free or low-cost (eligibility criteria may apply).   

Yes, SET and ETF offer a range of CPD programmes and activities which are free or low-cost (eligibility criteria may apply).   

No, using the SET CPD log is optional.  

Our approach to CPD is not based on the accumulation of a specified number of points or hours. Our policy is based on results and outcomes and is very much determined by the areas of development identified by you.   

No, not currently.  

We ask all members when joining and renewing their SET membership to confirm their own commitment to CPD.  SET members are required to abide by our Code of Ethics and Conduct which stipulates under Professional Competency, that members agree to “Maintain professional knowledge and competence through continuing professional development in both teaching and subject specialism”. By joining/renewing SET members are therefore agreeing to adhere to SET’s CPD policy requirements.   

An annual CPD plan should meet your professional development needs and will usually be a mix of formal and informal CPD and may include mandatory training.     

Membership Audit FAQs

Every six weeks we carry out a random audit of new members who are joining or re-joining SET to ensure that the eligibility requirement for SET Membership has been met.

Individuals who join or re-join SET, at either Fellow, Member or Associate grade are eligible to be called for audit. We will audit 10% of all new Member and Associate grade members, and 100% of all Fellowship admissions.

If you’re selected, we’ll send you an audit notice by email, giving you 14 calendar days to return all the relevant information. You’ll be required to send in proof of your teaching qualification(s) so we can ensure you have been admitted into the correct grade of professional membership. 

If we do not hear from you within the specified time frame, or you are unable to provide suitable evidence of your teaching qualification(s), your membership grade will be changed to Affiliate and from this point on you will no longer be eligible to use any post-nominals associated with the previous grade.

Yes – this is part of our quality assurance process and is vital to maintaining high standards and the robustness of the membership eligibility criteria. Failure to comply may be deemed a breach of the terms and conditions of membership and/or the Code of Ethics and Conduct, which could lead to sanctions.

If you require more time to provide the evidence requested, please contact our Membership team at We'll review each request on a case-by-case basis.

You can only appeal against a decision to move you to a new grade of membership, or to withdraw you from membership completely on the grounds that:  

  1. the audit procedure has not been followed correctly, OR
  2. your information has not been fairly and properly assessed  

You must make your appeal in writing within one calendar month of receiving our decision.