SET MentorMe

Welcome to SET MentorMe, a peer-to-peer mentoring platform exclusively for SET Members. The platform allows you to connect with other Further Education (FE) and Training professionals within SET Membership as a Mentor, a Mentee, or both!


More about SET MentorMe and mentoring

No matter which stage you’re at in your career, whether you’re just getting started, have completed your ITE, or are looking to develop in your day-to-day role, SET MentorMe is here to support you. By connecting mentors and mentees within membership and offering a range of resources to guide you through the mentoring process, SET MentorMe will ensure that your mentoring relationship is beneficial and enjoyable for both parties.

Mentoring is a great way to boost your career, either as a mentee working with a more experienced mentor to guide and support you through career challenges; or as a mentor using your skills and experience to help mentees whilst gaining new perspectives.


Accessing the platform 

Our mentoring platform is designed to help you connect and get the best out of a mentoring relationship. The platform matches mentees with mentors based on interest, skills and expertise – and vice versa. Simply follow the details on this page, and create a profile on the external platform to get started. 

Please ensure that you are a current SET member, and are logged in, in order to access SET MentorMe.