Meeting of the SET Management Board

Date: Thursday 17 September 2020
Time: 11.00am–12.30pm
Venue: Virtual (Microsoft Teams)
Members present: Zayn Azam, Wendy Coley, Philip Green, Anita McGowan, David Russell, Sarah Simons, Barbara Van Der Eecken (Vice-Chair)

Apologies: Jim Crompton (Chair) and Martin Reid

In attendance Emma Cosby (Marketing Manager), Andrew Dowell (Head of Professional Status), Alana Horden (Head of Operations), Ellie Locke (Membership Engagement Officer) Jez MacDonald (Head of Digital & IT; Item 3), Amanda Parkes (SET Co-ordinator, Minute Taker), Stephanie Wallis (Relationship Manager).


1a/b). Apologies and Welcome
Apologies for absence were received from Jim Crompton and Martin Reid. Barbara Van der Eecken stood in as Chair for the meeting.

2. SET and Professional Status performance update

The Head of Operations provided a performance update, highlighting SET’s performance against target and key areas of growth. The Board acknowledged the positive membership growth and sought further information on the reasons behind the positive trend. The Head of Operations informed the Board that the increase was likely due to several factors including a new academic year, undertaking large student outreach campaigns and the opening of the Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) window. The Head of Operations acknowledged that the individual reasons for joining are difficult to confirm due to the current reporting capabilities of the CRM, however once the new CRM is live SET can provide the Board with further joining data and insights.
The Head of Professional Status presented the three-year trend for QTLS and Advanced Teacher Status (ATS) registrations and the current registration numbers. The Board sought further information behind the increase in numbers of ATS expressions of interest. The Head of Professional Status informed the Board that the change to the eligibility criteria had helped, noting that the ATS bursary offer had also been well received.
The Marketing Manager presented the positive engagement stats on the #ETFSupportsFE campaign.

3. Key project updates
The Head of Digital and IT joined the meeting.
The Board was presented with an overview and progress of four key projects being undertaken by
SET. The projects included the membership research project, student membership offer and campaigns, the online SET conference and Transform; the digital transformation project currently being undertaken by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) and SET.
The Board was encouraged to get in touch with the SET coordinator with questions or further comments on any of the projects presented.
The Head of Digital and IT left the meeting.

4. Career Framework discussion
The Board received a Career Framework paper. The Head of Professional Status provided an overview of the Career Framework SHAPE project and outlined the projects’ purpose.
The Board was asked to share its views on what success looks like and feedback on the priorities for the proposed career framework.
The feedback from the session will be taken into consideration as part of the ongoing development of the career framework project. The Board was encouraged to get in touch with the Head of Professional Status if it had any further comments on the projects.

5. Sector insights Q&A with David Russell

The Board received a sector insights video by ETF CEO, David Russell, covering the FE white paper and changes to the sector due to Covid. The Board took part in a Q&A session, sharing questions and feedback on the content of the video.
The Board was encouraged to get in touch with the SET Coordinator if they had any further feedback or questions for David following the meeting.

6. Any other business
The Board thanked Zayn Azam for his time, expertise and commitment to SET and SMB over the past three years.

The Board noted that the next SMB meeting date was Thursday 21 January 2021.

Download SMB minutes - September 2020 (pdf)