Supporting senior leaders responsible for curriculum and quality with CPD

Senior leaders responsible for curriculum and quality will play a key role in meeting the challenges that lie ahead, explains Rhys Davies, Education and Training Foundation (ETF) Associate and Director of Equip Consultancy Ltd.

In its role as the national workforce development body for leaders in the post-16 Further Education (FE) and Training sector, the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) has identified the need to provide professional development and support for senior leaders responsible for curriculum and quality.

Such leaders will play a huge role in helping post-16 providers to meet the skills needs of the UK economy over the next few years, and in managing the challenges and opportunities spelled out in the Government’s Skills for Jobs White Paper.

What are the challenges?

Earlier this year, the ETF commissioned research into the viability and potential scope of such a CPD programme. The research found that a programme of professional development would be welcomed by curriculum and quality leaders in helping them to successfully manage the complexity, breadth and responsibility of the role. The research points to the challenges that lie ahead in managing the FE and Skills curriculum over the next five to 10 years, including:

  • In the immediate term, the need to respond to the uncertainties in the UK skills and labour markets caused by the Covid pandemic and Brexit.
  • In the longer-term: meeting the commitment to environmental sustainability and Green Energy; preparing workers for Industrial Revolution 4.0, with an accelerating trend towards the use of automation and Artificial Intelligence; addressing the implications of an ageing population and widening dependency ratios; increasing urbanisation, globalisation, widening inequality and political uncertainty; and closing the skills gap in the UK labour market. 
  • In managing the fast pace of change, curriculum leaders need to keep abreast of the direction of travel of government thinking; numerous reviews of the post-16 sector in recent years, culminating in the Skills for Jobs White Paper, provide leaders with a blueprint for upcoming trends and policy: the current drive towards working with employers in the design and delivery of the curriculum; the introduction of Local Skills Improvement Plans; the need to increase participation in high quality, Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs).   
  • Given the budgeting constraints that are anticipated in the short to medium term as the nation emerges from the Covid pandemic, it will be vital for curriculum leaders to possess an up-to-date understanding of the multiple and complex income streams associated with planning a post-16 curriculum.   
  • Leaders responsible for quality should have a sound overview of the debates and issues and the research about what constitutes excellence in the teaching of vocational, technical and academic disciplines in the post-16 sector. Similarly, they should be familiar with the current thinking around digital learning and those organisations such as JISC, which provide strategic thinking pieces in this area along with support and training for teachers.   
  • The need to work collaboratively with peers across the sector, ensuring that best practice in the design and delivery of the curriculum can be shared. Much can be learnt from other outstanding and good providers. Leaders should know of proven approaches to managing quality improvement and quality assurance, and consider how best to adopt and hone those approaches to their own particular contexts. 
  • Leaders of curriculum and quality are, first and foremost, leaders of people. As such, they need to be aware of how to develop a high-quality workforce and what works well, including the use of communities of professional practice, coaching and mentoring, and utilising ETF programmes to effectively develop the ‘dual professionalism’ aspect of the role of the vocational teacher.   

Leaders need access to high quality CPD

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recently published research that looked at leadership in Vocational and Technical (VET) training and teaching. The report makes a persuasive case that “to ensure VET leaders have the right skills to carry out their diverse responsibilities, they need to access specialised training before taking up their role, and to receive support throughout their career through mentoring and professional development”. 

Given the pace of change and the emerging challenges, the need for training and mentoring for senior curriculum and quality leaders appears never to have been greater. According to members of a steering group convened by the ETF to guide the content of the CPD programme, that’s certainly the case. A member of the steering group, Pauline Odulinski, a retired college principal and now a consultant and trainer, believes the pressures facing leaders in recent years may have exacerbated their need for high-quality CPD: “The sector has faced unprecedented, fast-pace change over the past couple of years and this has resulted in making the prioritising of personal and professional development difficult. Senior leaders and managers are often reluctant to prioritise their own needs as there are so many urgent, competing demands on people, time and money.”

So, what might be the answer? Pauline Odulinski believes that “…the time is right for senior staff to consider the value and benefits they and their organisations will gain from engaging in a new personal and professional development programme. Building in time for reflective practice, thinking deeply about diverse issues and developing innovative and creative solutions in a safe, stimulating learning environment can lead to success both on a personal and organisational level and is a good investment.”

Taking that time will be crucial. The Senior Curriculum and Quality Leaders Programme will support FE providers to develop long-term strategies that will support their local communities to meet future skills needs and find solutions to global challenges. It will showcase innovative pedagogy and new thinking around improving quality, so that participants learn from effective practice both within the UK and overseas. And, crucially – given the obvious importance of working with employers and other stakeholders – it will develop participants’ skills in networking and collaboration.

You can find out more by visiting the Education and Training Foundation website. In December’s edition of inTuition, we will present the findings of the research that underpins the CPD programme, looking in particular in more detail at future jobs and skills and the implications of this for curriculum planners.