My QTLS experience: Andrew Griffin

What motivated you to undertake Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS)? 

Learning is a continuous journey of self-improvement, growth and development. Brian Herbertt is credited with the saying: “The capacity to learning is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, the willingness to learn is a choice”. As a teaching and learning professional, I wanted to place myself under the same high standards as my students, being true to my philosophy that I would not ask someone to do something I would not. Equally, I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone and acquire new skills, current thinking and best practice.   

How did you find the process and what did you like about it? 

The QTLS programme is really a sequential series of steps, with thought-provoking questions to fundamentally ask what it is to be a teacher, concreting my personal style and approach. It allows you to reflect, self-challenge and revisit academic and practitioner research to adapt new ways of working and reinforcing existing technique. I refreshed my mind of classic theories such as Kolb’s Learning Cycle and Cognitive Load Theory (CLT).

My supporter was instrumental in setting me on the right course, with stretch and challenge style targets, offering evidence-based support, upskilling and raising the bar to exceptional. The efforts paid dividends, I committed not just to the technicalities but the spirit of what QTLS and the ETF’s Professional Standards represent. The feedback, discussion and digest of the observations offered granularity and helped develop conversations linked to three core areas of Professional Values and Attributes, Professional Knowledge and Understanding and Professional Skills. 

Andrew Griffin

Andrew Griffin

What has undertaking QTLS taught you about yourself? 

QTLS has reaffirmed my dedication, passion and true motivation to teach which is to facilitate opportunities for all, to convey knowledge, and, above all, inspire the next generation. It sounds a bit cheesy, but making a positive impact on society really is a gift. 


What impact has QTLS had on your practice and learners? 

QTLS is a ‘root and branch’ review of teaching: what works and what is feasible in practice. The impact on learners is a consistent, accessible and interactive approach, which in turn inspires confidence (like osmosis) to students, which in itself is a ‘game changing’ enabler. 


What impact has QTLS had on your organisation? 

The organisation is proud, supportive, and added QTLS as a valued CPD programme, understanding it is not a qualification but rather a methodology of enlightenment, not to be rushed, but to evolve overtime. QTLS and the ETF and SET’s principles have been ingrained into the internal terminology and development programmes.   


What are you going to do next and how will you continue to develop your practice? 

I have benefitted from a promotion, and I am shaping the curriculum, educational enrichment, and I plan to attain Advanced Teacher Status (ATS) in due course. I intend to increase experience; I am lucky to mentor and pass on and echo learnings to maximum effect. 


What advice would you give teachers/trainers who are thinking of undertaking QTLS? 

Wholeheartedly yes, do it, but go in knowing the process is phased and critical reflection is necessary to attain true understanding. 


Finally, please tell us a fun fact about yourself! 

The one thing I cannot live without is crisps! 



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