Follow the 20 Professional Standards to enhance your practice
- Critically reflect on and evaluate your practices, values, and beliefs to improve learner outcomes.
- Promote and embed education for sustainable development (ESD) across learning and working practices.
- Inspire, motivate, and raise aspirations of learners by communicating high expectations and a passion for learning.
- Support and develop learners’ confidence, autonomy and thinking skills, taking account of their needs and starting points.
- Value and champion diversity, equality of opportunity, inclusion and social equity.
- Develop collaborative and respectful relationships with learners, colleagues and external stakeholders.
- Engage with and promote a culture of continuous learning and quality improvement.
- Develop and update knowledge of your subject specialism, taking account of new practices, research and/ or industry requirements.
- Critically review and apply your knowledge of educational research, pedagogy, and assessment to develop evidence-informed practice.
- Share and update knowledge of effective practice with colleagues, networks and/or research communities to support improvement.
- Develop and apply your knowledge of special educational needs and disabilities to create inclusive learning experiences.
- Understand your teaching role and responsibilities and how these are influenced by legal, regulatory, institutional and ethical contexts.
- Promote and support positive learner behaviour, attitudes and wellbeing.
- Apply motivational, coaching and skill development strategies to help learners progress and achieve.
- Plan and deliver learning programmes that are safe, inclusive, stretching and relevant to learners’ needs.
- Select and use digital technologies safely and effectively to promote learning.
- Develop learners’ mathematics, English, digital and wider employability skills.
- Provide access to up-to-date information, advice and guidance so that learners can take ownership of their learning and make informed progression choices.
- Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support learning and achievement.
- Develop enrichment and progression opportunities for learners through collaboration with employers, higher education and/or community groups.
You can view more information about the Professional Standards on the Education and Training Foundation website.