The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) has launched Side by Side, a free online Prevent duty awareness course for learners, funded by the Department for Education (DfE).
The ETF has also announced an autumn programme of free events across the country for teachers, trainers and sector professionals. Their aim is to showcase the courses to provider organisations and discuss how the resources can be used most effectively with learners to support work on Prevent and extremism.
Side by Side is part of ETF’s wider Prevent Duty support programme which includes a series of online courses for staff and face-to-face CPD. The learner modules were developed in response to widespread concerns from teachers, lecturers, assessors and trainers about developing materials for learners to tackle radicalisation and extremism and “getting it wrong” – and to improve learners’ understanding of the key issues of radicalisation, safeguarding and British values.
The ETF is holding a series of free two-hour events for FE and training staff around the country, starting in Leeds on 6 September and ending in Braintree on 27 November.
The modules are designed for learners from Entry 3 to Level 3 and are available for free to all further education and training providers.
The four modules cover:
Selina Stewart, ETF’s Prevent Duty expert, said: "We are all only too aware of the consequences of different types of extremism. None of us would want any of our learners to be groomed by extremists into behaviour which can have devastating consequences for them, their families and of course the victims of any violent extremist action. These new resources have been structured so that they can be used independently by learners in the workplace or in classroom situations. There is also a facilitator guide with activities to help staff explore the issues in more depth."
The resources include a range of activities, quizzes, interviews with experts, powerful dramas and a brief final assessment after which learners can download a certificate once successfully completed.
The dramas follow the story of a student and an apprentice who are being drawn into two different extremist groups and the impact this has on their families.
Teachers and trainers can access the free modules on the ETF Learners' website.