The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) has published a new guide to encouraging positive behaviour, titled, 'Understanding and promoting positive behaviour in the FE sector'.
The guide considers how FE professionals can cultivate a positive environment for staff and learners and is packed full of practical advice, including:
It also maps out the 10 best behaviour intervention and de-escalation strategies and offers tips on creating a positive culture and managing behaviour.
The guide was produced by the ETF in partnership with the Department for Education, the Crisis Prevention Institute, Works 4U College and Pivotal education. It can be accessed, free of charge, on the ETF’s Excellence Gateway site.
Teresa Carroll, the ETF National Head of Inclusion, said: “A curriculum which is relevant and interesting to the learner with a clear purpose is fundamental to learner success, but just as important is that learning takes place in an environment that is emotionally nurturing. We are delighted to have worked with Pivotal Education and Works 4 U on this new guide which provides some ideas about understanding and promoting positive behaviour in the FE sector.”
Wendy Mackie, Principal of Works 4U college, said: “We at Works have been delighted to have contributed to the contents of this positive behaviour guide. We feel sure it will be a valuable addition to the tool kit for staff working in the FE sector and prove valuable to knowledge and skills in creating positive behaviour environments”
Ollie Frith of Pivotal Education, said: “It is so important every adult working in education receives robust, practical support and guidance around developing a positive relational culture as well as a sensible approach to behaviour management. This guide for FE staff is the starting point of a conversation around this support and how all staff members can work together to build successful college cultures for great learning.”