Four Society for Education and Training (SET) Fellows won a place at the Association for Research in Post Compulsory Education (ARPCE) International Research Conference on 13 to 15 July 2018, where they have each been invited to present their research.
Jacklyn Williams, Robin Tankard, Louise Carr and Dr Saed Ali Tarek have all accepted their places offered through the SET competition, with an additional six confirmations of attendance from the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) offer.
The conference, which takes place at the Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, is focusing on the theme of ‘Research in Post-Compulsory Education’. Each winner will be allocated a 40-minute session, with 15 minutes to summarise their paper.
Contributions over the three days are expected from presenters in professional education, adult learning, further and higher education, work-based learning and community education.
Louise Carr, Advanced Learning Practitioner, Additional Learning Support, Hadlow, said: "I am still slightly in shock at having been selected, but at the same time I feel a mixture of excitement, being slightly nervous and also very privileged to be able to take part in this conference. Without the sponsorship from SET it is unlikely that I would have been able to attend. I am particularly looking forward to the keynote speech from Dr Jillian Downing. I would really like the opportunity to find out more from her about developing student engagement with authentic and online learning environments."
Dr Syed Ali Tarek, FSET, Founder of Earth Aid, said: "I became a SET Fellow in early 2018. When I found out about the ARPCE conference and the opportunity to win a fully funded place at the conference as a SET Fellow, the first thing that came in my mind is that I will get a chance to represent SET at a large platform. I was absolutely delighted when I received confirmation that a panel of experts chose my submission as one of the winning abstracts.
"At the conference I will share my recent work on ‘Disruptive Learning’ with a focus on the compulsory education sector. SET contributes significantly in building careers of aspiring teachers within the lifelong learning sector. As a Fellow of SET, I am looking forward to meeting with like-minded professionals at the prestigious venue of the University of Oxford. I would like to heartily appreciate SET for giving me an opportunity to be the flag bearer of SET Fellows at the ARPCE conference."
Robin Tankard, Lecturer of Vocational Business and Computing, said: "Having been a professional education analyst and researcher I am looking forward to meeting fellow education research professionals from around the world and sharing our findings at this prestigious event. In my current role with Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group (NSCG) we are striving to challenge conventional expectations of Post-Compulsory education and this will be an exciting opportunity to discover diverse leading edge research and best practice from other respected institutions. I would like to thank SET for its pro-active commitment to the professional development of its members and I hope I will be able to bring something productive and memorable to the proceedings."
Jacklyn Williams, NCETM Professional Development Accredited Lead, said: "I am really excited to be able to present my work at the conference and, through this, to learn more about my own specialism in context. I am also looking forward to being able to engage with like-minded professionals on an international scale over the three days of the conference and hoping to build lasting connections for future collaborative work and research. This is an opportunity I could not have entertained without this fully-funded place and I absolutely intend to make every second count!"
The 2018 ARPCE international conference is brought in partnership with ETF, The Edge Foundation and Taylor and Francis Group.